Coming Home
We met with our physician team today in Cincinnati. We were encouraged to learn that we could make plans to bring Allison home to Madison. We’re in the process of doing that right now. The doctors were optimistic about Madison’s (and Ruby’s) overall health. We will continue to pray that the cardiomyopathy completely goes away and her heart develops normally. Also, that there was no neurologic damage down to her when Olivia went to be with the Lord. Thank you for praying with us.
Great news! XOXO MK
glad you are going home. our prayers go with you! hope you don’t mind but i sent a prayer request to all the prayer warriors i know and your family is on their list.
Matt & Allison & Babies!
Think of you, worry about you, and pray for you all the time. I am sure you are thrilled to be home. Take it easy. Is there anything you need that I can do??
Praise God that our dear ones are coming back to Madison! Even though we are so sad and crying like crazy for you over the loss of baby Olivia, we are encouraged in prayer for Madison and Ruby. Know that hundreds of people are agreeing in prayer with you for their good health. We love you so dearly! XOXO Andy, Heidi, Amanda, and Grace
Yea! Great news that Allison will be going back to Madison. Does this mean she’s off bedrest too? I know from all the messages you’ve received that she will have a great homecoming. Lovies, Aunt Kay